US Manufacturing Today Podcast

Welcome to the US Manufacturing Today podcast. You're one stop shop for information about the manufacturing & distribution sectors. Featuring interviews from current operations professionals, this podcast covers what's changed so far, what's on the horizon, and how it will impact your business.


Starting Tuesday March 18th, we'll be releasing new episodes on a weekly basis.

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About The Host

Based in Houston Texas, our host Matt Horine currently serves as the Head of Reindustrialization & Growth Innovation at Veryable, with a focus on labor access as a core component to reindustrializing the US manufacturing sector.

Prior to Veryable, Matt has been in commercial and operational executive roles at manufacturing and platform technology companies. He is also a former Infantry Officer in the US Army, and has received a BA in Government from The University of Texas at Austin, and a MBA from Pepperdine University.

Looking For More Information & Insights?

For more information on the manufacturing and distribution sectors, as well as topics like operational excellence, process improvements, and workforce innovation, make sure to check out our Thought Leadership Blog.

If you're looking for more information related to past and upcoming changes under President Donald Trump, make sure to check out our Navigating Trump 2.0 page.