The Future of Manufacturing, Warehousing, and Logistics

Value Estimation Calculator

Explore our value estimation calculator to learn the positive bottom-line impacts your business can achieve by leveraging the Veryable solution.


To use the value estimation calculator, please follow the instructions below. If you need any assistance, please contact us.

1. Basic Information

Input average annual sales volume ($) and general manufacturing strategy by choosing between “Engineer to Order”, “Make to Order”, or “Sell to Order”

2. Leading Indicators

Input necessary values in the left column for Lead Time (Weeks), On-Time Delivery (%), Past Due Backlog (Weeks), Missed Orders (% of Weekly Revenue), and RMAs or Distressed WIP (% of weekly output).

  • Note: values in the right two columns for “industry standards” and “targets” are prefilled, but can be changed by clicking on one and inputting a new value, or by using the arrows to modify an existing value.

3. Labor Details

Input values for current headcount, average hourly wage, and overtime percentage for full-time employees, part-time employees, and temps.

  • Note: If your business isn’t currently using part-time labor or temps, please input “0” in each of these fields.

4. Production Details

  • Select either “unit volume” or “order volume”
  • Input values for quantity & average revenue
  • “% variation” refers to the degree that demand fluctuates week over week. If you don’t have this exact number off the top of your head, an estimate will work fine.

5. Click Calculate

After clicking calculate, you’ll be able to see a table with the potential bottom-line impacts your business can achieve by leveraging an on-demand labor pool.

Note: With on-demand labor, you get in what you put out, and how our solution is leveraged will have a huge impact on the value achieved. This is why instead of just estimating a single value for revenue growth, labor cost reductions, and cash increases, we’ve instead given a range with minimum, average, and maximum values for each field.

You’ll also see an identical table below that will show the higher value potential that can be achieved by implementing a piece work model. To learn more about piece work vs. hourly pay, click here.

If you need any assistance or would like to hear from one of our experts how these results can be achieved, please contact us.

Case Studies

Stories From the Real World

Hear from real Veryable users how building an on-demand labor pool has helped them increase productivity, cut costs, and grow their revenue & market share.

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