Lean 101

Curious about Lean but not sure where to begin? Lean 101 is for you.

Why You Might Need Lean

As a business, you must keep cash flowing, and every driver to make that happen is touched by Lean.

-Reduce Costs: Lean is different in the way it reduces cost, by engaging the people closest to the process in identifying and then reducing waste

-Free up cash: In lean, this is achieved by reducing the need for inventory. Inventory absorbs a lot of cash and lean can drastically shorten the cash conversion cycle

-Grow sales: Beat your competition at giving customers what they want, which is quality, delivery and cost. Lean drives improvement in all three areas, but is especially powerful in reducing lead times. A rule of thumb is that reducing lead times by 75 % means growing at 2 to 4 times your industry's growth rate.

worker using band saw in manufacturing facility

View This Case Study For A Deeper Understanding

Lean can be intimidating but it doesn't have to be. Lean is fundamentally about seeing the waste and engaging your workforce into reducing the waste. Because waste is local and specific to local conditions, involving workers is key. That's why your first step is to communicate heavily that lean doesn't cause layoffs. If employees fear that their ideas result in them or their colleagues losing their jobs, they won't participate.

As you can see in this case study, there's no need to make it more complicated than just seeing the seven wastes (transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, over processing, overproduction and defects). Actually seeing the waste as it happens is half the journey to solving it.

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