Visual Management Guide
- Why is visual management important?
- What is visual management?
- Procedures for visual management
- What's next?
Why is Visual Management Important?
Visual management is a key part of the daily management cycle on the shop floor. Standards on the shop floor define how we should be operating.

Visual management tells us immediately if (and where) we deviate from standards so we can react immediately to abnormalities, either through Just Do It (JDI) obvious solutions, or through structured problem-solving using a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) framework.
What is Visual Management?
Visual management is anything that lets people immediately know if they are deviating from a standard.
Can be Visual: Normal? Abnormal? …or through any of our senses:
- Auditory signal from a machine informs maintenance that they’re needed.
- Rumble strips inform drivers through vibrations and sound they’re headed off the road.
- Odor is added to otherwise odorless and colorless gas to alert us of leaks.
Three Characteristics of Visual Management
- Intuitive: Anybody can tell at a glance if the situation is normal or not.
- Immediate: Ideally provides information in real-time, worse-case hourly.
- Helps us make decisions: If visual management does not produce action, it is useless.
Examples of Visual Management
Hour-by-hour board
- Indicates with red/green how we are doing on an hourly basis (black = plan)
- Red number requires an explanation
- Forms the basis for daily management.

FIFO zone markers
- Real time visualization of the buffer between two process steps (here with kanban cards = work orders)
- If the two processes are not synchronized, it will show as too many or not enough cards

- Indicates status of work stations, based on operators pulling the “andon cord” to signal a problem.

How To Get Started With Visual Management Procedures
1: Decide where to start
It could be the line with the most quality or performance issues, for example.
Don’t implement visual management everywhere at once! Remember that it is meant to produce action, and therefore consumes management and problem-solving resources.
Take the area’s motivation level into account. It’s better to start with a team who’s enthusiastic and energetic about improving things, than with a passive or negative team.
2: Implement the hour-by-hour board
You will need the following data to run a HBH Board:
- Product ID
- Planned volume per hour–this should come from your Standardized Work documents (entered at start of shift by Team Lead or supervisor)
- Actual volume (entered by the operators or team lead at the top of the hour)
- Actual defective or reworked units (entered by operators/TL every hour)
- Actual downtime (entered by operators/TL as it occurs)
3: Place boards strategically
Each board has a cost, since it must be filled in and reviewed every hour. For short lines and production cells, place the board at the end, to capture the output of the line or cell. For processes that are scattered in multiple locations, consider instead placing the board at the bottleneck machine or where the biggest problems are. Then move the board elsewhere as the issues get resolved.
4: Be crystal clear
Be crystal clear about who fills in what on the board, and how the numbers are defined (e.g. does the production volume include defectives? Our answer is “no”).
5: Create an action board
Alongside the HBH Board is a whiteboard or flipchart: the Action Board. The board is a way to put in writing the problems we are encountering, which should trigger some very concrete problem-solving.
6: Train all operators across all shifts
Explain that this is aimed at doing something about the everyday obstacles they encounter.
It’s not aimed at individuals (we track the process, not the people).
In practice, the pressure is more on the managers than on the operators.
7: Use an auditory signal
Consider using an auditory signal at the top of every hour for the first few weeks.
8: Review the boards every hour
Team Lead or supervisor reviews every board in their area.
- If green, quickly congratulate and encourage the team
- If red, try to understand the situation from observation and the comments
In some cases, what needs to be done is obvious – a JDI (Just Do It). In other cases, you need to talk with the appropriate person. Formulate a hypothesis about what happened and take action to confirm or invalidate it.
Write the hypothesis and action on the action board. You will track results and try to solve the problem here.
9: Triage problems into either JDI or PDCA
If the problem is too complex for rapid solving (i.e. can’t be solved in less than 2 hours), enter it in the PDCA Buffer List board. This board is located where the daily accountability meetings take place (see next point). The top three priorities in the list are regularly updated.

10: Hold daily accountability meetings
Every morning a Daily Accountability Meeting is held, using an Area board and Action/PDCA Board.

Stand-up meetings should be no more than 15 minutes long. The purpose is to manage PDCAs by tracking advancement, escalating issues, and launching new PDCAs.
The daily standup meeting participants should include:
- site manager
- quality
- engineering
- shipping
- maintenance
- area supervisor
The reason for the buffer list is to set a maximum number of active actions to avoid overloading the system. Move items from the buffer to the active board when an issue is resolved.

Items that cannot be resolved at the daily meeting (e.g., require a kaizen team or a project team) get escalated to the leadership team.
What’s Next?
Continue adding visual management tools. Each one is going to make life easier! You can get creative, as the examples below illustrate.
This example shows how 5S is a visual management tool that lets you know something is missing or doesn’t belong here:

This simple hack makes it easy to see if a folder is missing or in the wrong place:

In this example, when you're down to the red zone, it's time to order a new roll:

Here, you can see that something is wrong if the pressure indicator is outside the green zone:

This "visual kanban" show the team what to produce next:

In this example, green is OK, yellow means you need to investigate, and red means stop:

Veryable can help you take action on opportunities highlighted with visual management
Visual management helps you see performance to a standard, reason for a miss, and the opportunity to take corrective action to keep that from happening again. Labor is one of the most critical components of an operation, and creating a Just In Time component to your workforce will increase the speed and agility of your operations. Here are two tools that can help you transform your operations, drive waste out, and help make your operations more competitive.
Veryable's On-Demand Labor Marketplace
Labor will directly or indirectly touch every aspect of your operational performance. It is also one of the largest expenses on your P&L. Ignoring opportunity or being comfortable doing things the way they've always been done makes it just that much harder to find net improvement elsewhere. Leveraging Veryable’s On-Demand Labor Marketplace to build a flexible extension of your full-time workforce will allow your team to precisely match labor capacity to demand on a daily basis. Adopting this approach gives your operations leaders the resources they need to deliver the maximum return for the business and the most value for the customer.
Veryable's Workforce Management Tool
Veryable’s Workforce Management Tool ties together multiple systems (ERP, WMS, MES, HRIS, etc.) to use real-time data to automate the labor planning process and guide your leadership in making better critical decisions. This eliminates guessing, protects against costly forecasting inaccuracies, and enables performance-based decision making without the burden of manual spreadsheet updates or back-of-the-napkin estimating. This tool can operate as a stand alone platform for your full time employees, or you can access Veryable's on-demand marketplace from within this tool to fill any gaps in your operation on short notice. The best part is, you'll be able to view real-time performance data in just clicks for both full time employees as well as Veryable Operators.
Together these systems truly optimize every labor dollar spent across your footprint. This enables better visibility to translate best practices, and can act as a roadmap for continuous improvement.
To learn more, visit our homepage for Continuous Improvement, Operational Excellence, and Lean Professionals.
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