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Veryable: The Solution to Improving Operational Metrics

Steven Calhoun
August 27, 2019
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In the world of modern manufacturing and distribution, operations leaders are evaluating production metrics every day – a blue-collar version of the NYSE Big Board.  And as businesses race to keep up with this modernization, they acquire technology that allows real time, 24/7 access to these same production metrics.  The result is a NYSE Big Board that never closes for the day…  these operations leaders wake up, grab their smart phones and check the numbers.  They check the numbers when they get to the office and again at lunch.  They get one last check before the commute home and then one more peek before the lights go off at night.  Production metrics are everywhere, hunting down the operational bottlenecks, shutdowns and challenges.

Metrics Won't Fix Themselves

But here’s the thing…  production metrics just tell operations leaders what the problem is, they don’t tell businesses what the operational improvement solution is.  These 24/7/365, stress-inducing, sleep-depriving metrics don’t do anything but exacerbate what these operational leaders more than likely already know in their gut.  The metrics won't fix themselves, so where are the solutions that actually help move the metrics in real time?  Until VERYABLE, there has been nothing (unless of course you have all those extra billions to retrofit your entire production environment with these robots that the mainstream media has been telling us about – everyone in manufacturing and distribution knows what a fable these solutions are).  But before I get into Veryable, let’s talk about the ramifications of constant visibility to metrics, with no guidance on how to improve operations.

All too often operations leaders, and CEO’s for that matter, are forced to react to these operations metrics and do so with one of the only levers that they have…..  staffing.

  • Lead times are getting too long and we are losing everything we are quoting….  Let’s “staff up” and drive those lead times down.
  •  We have a couple huge PO’s hitting at the same time next quarter that will disrupt our entire operation….  Let’s “staff up” and be ready when they come.
  • We lost a major contract and will lose money if we keep everyone on the production line employed….  Let’s make some tough cuts and rehire these folks when/if we get another contract.

But the problem is these staffing reactions don’t get to the root of operational issue.  And many times the staffing reaction snowballs into other operational problems and the bottom line gets crushed.


The New Paradigm

At Veryable we believe that there is a fundamental imbalance between the issues that manufacturing and distribution businesses face and the old paradigm methods they have had to face them.  We believe that there is a foundational problem when you examine how the work has to get done versus the structure that businesses have at their disposal to get that work done.  Take for instance unloading containers…  that is a production activity that for most businesses is highly irregular and sporadic (based on the shipping containers, suppliers performance, intermodal issues, weather, etc) yet businesses have to combat this sporadic activity with structured shiftwork – Monday through Friday, 06:00 – 14:00.  These things don’t balance and the casualty is the operational metrics.

We built VERYABLE to be a dependable digital tool that drives operational benefit and supports the operational leaders that for decades have had to roll up their sleeves with no help (only alarm bells and stress from increasingly real time metrics).  VERYABLE was built by operations people, for operations people.... one that puts the control and flexibility in the hands of operations people.   It’s not the same tired, ineffective staffing answer.  With VERYABLE businesses can drive incremental revenue and grow.  With VERYABLE businesses can push productivity to all time highs and stomp out costs that have been accepted as “part of doing business.” 

So where is the technology that actually helps with the solution?  It’s finally arrived.

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Steven Calhoun
Content Strategist

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