How Are Veryable Workers Screened? (Background Checks & Verification)
As someone in charge of who comes in and out of your building every day, you’re rightfully concerned about their safety and anything that might jeopardize that. There’s a lot of thought put into who you hire and work with every day, because the right people make a big difference.
At Veryable, we connect businesses to thousands of on-demand workers every day. We know how important it is for you to have peace of mind about who you’re working with, especially when it’s going to be different people on a regular basis.
In this article, you’ll learn how Veryable screens workers through background checks and how you can find the right workers for you by reviewing their ratings and work history on the platform.
Background checks on Veryable workers
We have partnered with a nationwide leader in background checks to allow only those workers who meet our very conservative criteria for screening onto the platform. Every Operator must pass this background check before they are allowed to bid on and be accepted for Ops. We have worked with our background check provider to develop a matrix of proprietary adjudication criteria. From a quality control perspective, it would reflect poorly on us to connect your business with unfit workers. We’re very selective because we take the screening of workers seriously. We want you to feel safe bringing people you don’t know very well yet into your building.
Social Security Number trace
We validate every worker’s social security number against information provided by the Social Security Administration to ensure they have a valid SSN. This trace includes addresses associated with the SSN, which are used to determine which jurisdictions to search for court records.
Criminal records check
When it comes to crime, the broad categories of convictions that automatically disqualify a candidate are violent felonies, felony theft, sex crimes, and organized crimes. There are several additional crimes that would disqualify a candidate, even if they are not automatically disqualified for one of the previously listed offenses. To find any of these, our background check searches the sex offender registry, county criminal records, state criminal records, national and federal criminal records, the global watchlist, and county and federal civil records. If a worker is flagged for any of the criteria set on our proprietary matrix, our team will conduct a manual review of the report to make the best decision we can about whether to let that person onto the platform. This is often a difficult decision, but we feel it’s important for us to review these cases to be fair to the workers while providing the safest possible work environment for you. We do not share background checks with businesses due to restrictions imposed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. For us to be able to share the background check with you, we would need documented approval from each Operator prior to each Op. This would not only be burdensome for us, it would slow you down because it would take longer to find workers every time you need them.
Additional Verification of Veryable workers
You can view the Operators’ history of work on the Veryable app, as well as ratings of their work provided by other businesses. You can also see the skills they have and Ops where they’ve used those skills specifically. Because Operators sign up to the platform as independent contractors, we do not perform additional verification such as employment verification, drug screening, etc. Reviewing Operator skills and ratings is the best way to see which Operators would be a good fit for your business. Plus, this information is always up to date because businesses rate Operators after every Op. In summary, you can trust that the workers you find on Veryable have been screened with strict criteria, and you can further refine your search by checking skills and ratings.
We do the most that we can do to screen workers, but as you know, sometimes things happen that are out of anyone’s control. To address this, we’ve built in ways to handle these edge cases. Read more about what you can do when you find a bad fit through Veryable on our blog.
To learn more, check out our more recent blog: Veryable - The Trusted Choice for Safety
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