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Veryable vs. Staffing

Staff Augmentation vs Veryable: What’s the Difference?

Steven Calhoun
June 10, 2021
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Staff augmentation is a broad category, but does it include Veryable? At Veryable, we feel strongly that we do not fit the definition for staff augmentation. We have seen the differences in our approach as company after company using our solution finds vast operational improvements when they break out of the “staff aug” line of thinking.

In this article, you’ll learn what makes Veryable different from staff augmentation, and what that means for your business.


Staff augmentation vs Veryable


Staff augmentation definition

Staff augmentation is a labor sourcing method that typically aims to help a business keep a static headcount throughout the year. Businesses use staff augmentation to add skills to their staff or save on labor costs. It’s an approach to staffing that’s usually used for outsourcing full-time work. Most companies seek out an agency that provides staff augmentation as a service, acting as middlemen to arrange work relationships between employers and employees.


Veryable and on-demand labor

Veryable is an on-demand labor platform that connects you to independent workers for short-term engagements. What makes Veryable different is the emphasis on matching your capacity to demand in real time, rather than aiming for a headcount regardless of demand. With on-demand labor, you’ll be building a labor pool that functions as a flexible extension of your workforce. The main goal of on-demand labor is to enable your business to instantly flex your capacity to match demand.

You post the work you need done, workers bid on the opportunities, and the choice of whose bids to accept is yours to make.


Staff augmentation: pros and cons

Staff augmentation is a good option if you want to maintain a headcount or expand your capabilities on a longer-term basis. The pros of this approach are that you can be more hands-off in the selection of workers, and you will be able to continue working mostly the same way you were before.

The cons of staff augmentation are that you usually will give up control over worker selection, you might have to sign contracts, and you won’t be gaining much flexibility.


Veryable: pros and cons

Veryable is a good option if you want to match capacity to demand exactly. You can select the workers you want to invite to your facility, and you’ll be able to build a labor pool as a flexible extension of your workforce. You can fill skill gaps without the burden of paying someone to be around at times you don’t have work for them. And you won’t have to agree to using Veryable to fill a certain amount of hours; it’s completely up to you how much you use the platform, and you only pay for the work that’s done.

The cons of Veryable is that it’s only available for manufacturing and logistics companies, you will have to devote attention to selecting workers, and you won’t have the sense of security of having a signed contract that you will be provided workers.

Veryable is a marketplace, so you will be competing for workers just like they are competing to find work.

Which one’s for you?

If you want to keep doing what you’re doing, but outsourced, staff augmentation is a good fit. Most businesses turn to staff augmentation to fill gaps in their current headcount, rather than to unlock new revenue or become more efficient.

If you’re in manufacturing and logistics, Veryable was made for your business. Our on-demand labor platform exists to empower you to match capacity to demand so you can unlock more revenue, reduced lead times, and better service levels. Thousands of experienced workers find work at hundreds of businesses every day through the platform.

Learn what you can do with on-demand labor in your business by reading our blog on the top five benefits of on-demand labor for manufacturing and logistics.

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Steven Calhoun
Content Strategist

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